Observing Taiwan’s politics from Taiwan’s bid to join the UN and Legislative Election to the Presidential Election/ 從台灣入聯、立委選舉到總統大選看台灣政局英語座談會

A forum hosted by the Taiwan News entitled, “Observing Taiwan’s politics from Taiwan’s bid to join the UN and Legislative Election to the Presidential Election” was held in Taipei yesterday. (This forum lasts about 1hr&30mins.)

TnnTV整理報導/ 立委選舉進入倒數階段,總統大選也逐漸加溫,公投話題成了選戰的焦點,為了幫助外國朋友了解這次選舉與公投對台灣政局的影響,Taiwan News台灣英文新聞特別邀請--民進黨立委蕭美琴、民進黨國際事務部副主任賴怡忠、台大國發所葛永光教授、以及歐亞基金會副執行長趙建民等人與外籍記者對談,分析台灣未來政局走向。(本座談會全程1小時30分以英語進行,分為8段影片觀賞)

Over a dozen foreign reporters from international media attended the forum, joining by local scholars and representatives from both the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and opposition Kuomintang.

These reporters are from various regions worldwide, including Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, France, Spain, England, Germany, Israel, and the United States.

They had flied to Taiwan in order to observe the upcoming Legislative Election that will be held on Saturday.

Two attending local scholars that participated in the forum were Ger Yeong-kuang, professor of National Taiwan University’s Department of Political Science, and Lai I-chung, member of executive board and Director of Foreign Policy Studies of Taiwan Thinktank.

The KMT’s representative is Chao Chien-min, deputy director of Foundation on International and Cross-Strait Studies, while Hsiao Bi-khim, director of DPP’s Department of International Affairs joined the forum on behalf of the DPP.

Both major parties representatives and two local scholars had fiercely exchanged opinions regarding various issues on Taiwan’s politics.

The issues included the possible effects of the Legislative election to the Presidential election and on how the results of the UN referendum would impact the Presidential election during the two-hour-long forum.

Meanwhile, attending foreign reporters also proposed questions to these local representatives regarding Taiwan’s current political situation.

Many of these reporters from far away said that they could see a clear polarization on various political issues between the DPP and KMT in such a short period discussion.

But they also expressed that the wide division within the island can also serve as an perfect example that Taiwan is indeed a democratic society.

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