Introducing the ritual of religious worship, step by step, to let the audience understand some of the dos and don'ts, and to show how the many gods are worshipped in various ways. Like churches in the west, the temple serves as a 'home away from home' for many people in Eastern cultures. This is where they come to seek comfort and assistance from the gods. Churches and cathedrals are common in Europe, but they are nowhere as ubiquitous as in Taiwan, where supposedly you run into a small temple every three steps and a large temple every five steps. Don't confuse the 'bai-bai' with the English farewell, 'bye-bye'. The bai-bai ritual is a very special part of life in Taiwan, and this is the first time I have ever stood with incense like this. It's an intrinsic part of the faith in Taiwan, and any time you feel troubled or confused, just go to a nearby temple - it's bound to bring you a measure of comfort and relief.
Click here to watch all series of videos / 點此收看全系列影片>>>
Published by Council of Culture Affair/行政院文建會
Produced by Taiwan News TV/台灣英文新聞網路電視事業群
Producer/ IYEN WANG 王怡雁
Camera and Editor/ TOM YEH 葉濤 and CHIHCHIA TU 杜致佳
Production Assistants/YIPING PENG 彭怡萍
The Ritual of Religious Worship 拜拜習俗與儀式
2008年8月3日 星期日
Culture 地方文化, 文化台灣英文入口網,
Travel 旅遊
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