Decades ago, Jiufen was a magnificent city abounds in gold ores and bathed in glory. During its peak, goldminers were liberal with their easily gained money, and the town was the symbol of luxury and extravagance, replicating the bustle and boom of Shanghai, hence the name, the mini-Shanghai. Yet with the depletion of gold in the mid-1960’s, the population started to shrink, and the gold-mining business also faded into history. As a result, many wandering artists looking for creative ideas came to Jiufen to explore new artistic possibilities. They frequented the retro-Chinese style teahouses to enjoy a cup of warm tea and reflect upon the old days, and Jiufen, a long-forgotten mountain town, began to move forward in the river of time.
Published by Council of Culture Affair/行政院文建會
Produced by Taiwan News TV/台灣英文新聞網路電視事業群
Producer/ IYEN WANG 王怡雁
Camera and Editor/ TOM YEH 葉濤 and CHIHCHIA TU 杜致佳
Production Assistants/VIC LIANG and CHRISTAL HSU
Life in the Wonder City of Gold(Jiufen) 黃金山城歲月-九份篇
2008年8月4日 星期一
Beauty of Taiwan 台灣之美, 文化台灣英文入口網,
Travel 旅遊
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